West 4th Holdings

Our Services

Specializing in companies from startup to those with up to $50 million per year in revenue, West 4th Holdings’ seasoned leaders bring strong operational and financial expertise to diagnose and resolve critical business challenges and reset stagnant areas for growth and financial success.

We help…

Startup Founders

Startups often face problems like founder dependency, untested deployment strategies, process challenges, shifting market needs, and the plain reality that start-ups are the most difficult operating segment in the business world. With a team-oriented mindset, we use our years of experience successfully launching our own companies to help you evolve from a startup to a growth company with strong results, satisfied investors, confident employees and happy customers.


Small and medium-sized enterprises often find initial success in reaching their current size, but then plateau. At the same time, they face both the complex challenges of a big company but still have the growing pains of a startup. West 4th Holdings has a legacy of helping SMEs re-orient and accelerate to profitable growth.

Senior executives

If your organization doesn’t need direct leadership, West 4th Holdings can serve in an advisory capacity. Leveraging our decades of experience “in the trenches” in everything from complex negotiations and M&A to hands-on coaching and training, we can help guide you and your company to success, however it is defined.